TitleTrafficking in persons, abuse of power or a position of vulnerability, exploitation of the prostitution of others.
Assessed case number:Trafficking in persons, abuse of power or a position of vulnerability, exploitation of the prostitution of others.
Brief description of the caseStarting from May 2008 until May 2011, the defendant, has advertised various job offers in different internet platforms searching for dancers in different clubs. Regardless of the fact that that the defendant was aware of the internal regulations of the PC club according to which the strippers were expected to perform the clients sexual services for a charge, he recruited from May 2008 until May 2011 at least 95 female persons who had been identified in course of pre-trial procedure to work at the above-mentioned club as strippers pursuant to the contracts which had been signed but in reality the latter were expected to engage in prostitution. The defendant knowingly targeted women who were in financial difficulties and were willing to earn quick money as soon as possible and lured them into thinking they will be earning high amounts of salaries. The defendant, being aware the work mentality at the PC Club (the initial club in which the victims were hired in) and the orders, which included among other things the performance of sexual services for money to the clients by the women working at the club, knowingly assured the women the legality and impeccable nature of the club work.
Even though the dancers were assured that they will not be engaging in any sexual activities with guests coming to the clubs, they were coerced to do so in order to be able to receive their promised compensations and pay for their flight tickets.